Choosing a Final theme

After re evaluating my choice of project with Amelia and Anna at my mock viva, it came to the difficult decision to start from fresh with a brand new improved theme that worked better. Regarding my last post about my proposal in ‘Culture’ the tutors advised that my idea was too big and I didn’t really know a lot about these cultures, so mentioned i should try and find a reliable source of information to base my work on.

So for a couple of days that week, all i did was plan and research, looking at articles online such as the guardian, new york times etc. After considering many themes i chose one that i am passionate about which also links to my dissertation; Body modification. Of course, this theme seems to of been done a hundred times over but not in the context i chose.

Sex trafficking, being permanently branded on the streets and then covering up those scars with more body art. Now, I thought this concept could work really well and open up a lot of opportunities of how I could perceive this. The Guardian was where I came across this article, Jennifer Kempton and lady, 30 yrs of age escaped the tortured life of sex trafficking but came out of that life with plentiful scars from being branded by pimps and gang members. The only way she could move forward was to be able to take control of her body once again and to feel empowered by getting these scars covered up by another tattoo. She had a crown with the words saying ‘King Munch’ on her neck, where she got a beautiful vibrant lilly over the top, she states that the lilly symbolises “blooming out darkness” another disgusting branding she had imprinted on her groin are the words “Property Of Salem” which in fact was the guy she fell in love with but also sex trafficked her and put her on the streets. She now has a broken lock with floral design around it symbolising breaking free. Jennifer, started a charity based organisation called, this charity allowed Jennifer to spread the word and awareness about sex trafficking and branding, also get in touch with woman still involved within sex trafficking and gangs and the woman who have also escaped that life but are still left with the horrible scars and branding. This charity allows the woman to have a choice of weather to cover up or lazer removal.

Whist having the interview with Jennifer, i asked is it rare the woman get laser removal. she said that only about 4 of the 45 woman she has helped have gone down that path. The idea of getting that scar covered with a design you want on  your body has a sense control and empowerment. I asked what are the the popular designs the woman choose to get done, so i could depict their stories in the most accurate way as possible. Jennifer stated that colourful flowers , butterflies, birds and feathers are most common due to the meaning behind them; Freedom and something beautiful and feminine.

As I started off with some screen printing and thoroughly enjoyed this medium I chose to carry on with developing my ideas and skills around printing techniques. As I hadn’t experimented with lino printing and Easter holidays were coming I thought this would be a good avenue to go down, considering the print rooms at uni were closed. Doing printing at home came with its problems and quality was definitely one of them! I tried my best to do what I could do in the Easter break, going back to uni with the printing facilities available to me were great and made it a more positive experience. I started concentrating on the main issues within sex trafficking and taking Jennifer and the many woman’s stories into account.

Drug abuse, Rape, Prostitution, Pole dancing, Money and feeling utterly demoralised.

I wanted to depict the bad aspects of sex trafficking in striking black and white lino prints, I used a lot of multi media within this project such as collage, paint and pencil as well. As I was to add the cover ups within the whole theme of sex trafficking and branding, I thought using the contrast of brightly coloured flowers, birds and butterflies against the black would create and good effect and almost depict the story of  escaping that life of enslavement  to a better and brighter future with getting these cover ups.






In preparation for my dissertation, constellation in the last two years has been very helpful and allowed me to make my decision quickly on the subject basis for my end of year thesis.  I chose Mahnaz for my tutor at the beginning of year, her constellation lessons were very interesting and insightful. After writing an essay on Mannerism, I began thinking more outside the box when relating to art. The idea of perception sprung to mind after these intuitive lessons on Plato’s theories, also what we perceive as beautiful and ugly throughout art practices. I embarked on some brainstorming and came up with ‘perception’ and beauty and bizarre as my basis and first idea but i had to tie the two subjects together somehow.

I have always been interested in individuality and the concept behind this in cultures worldwide. So, I took a subject I knew a little about and something I knew I already enjoyed studying and would like to study further over my last year. To incorporate a form of art practice, I’m passionate about the implementation of body modification and watch a lot of programmes about this subject; so i thought it was only fitting to incorporate the two together. This concluded my dissertation subject basis and title;

The perception between beauty and bizarre and connections related to unique forms of body Modification.

Now, I knew I had to write 6,000 words on the subject, I wanted culture to act as a big part of my dissertation because the subject is so diverse and something I find interesting. As of this though, I didn’t want to revolve the whole thesis on just culture but wanted to incorporate other concepts around the theory beauty and bizarre, modifications and the perception behind these subjects. I yet again brainstormed further into the subject and realised there was a lot more areas I could visit. Exploring extreme body modifications within cultures of course such as, Chinese woman binding their feet to fit the perfect ideal of beauty, Mursi tribe stretching their lower lips with clay lip plates, kayan woman using brass wires wrapping around their neck to make it longer etc. As well as culture I introduced other extravagant forms of modification within my research this being, multiple tattoos and piercings, people taking the persona of an animal through modifications such as a parrot, scarification and body suspension.

As ive always been curious about perception and the psychological sense behind peoples actions, i wanted to include this as a chapter within my research. I feel this aspect connected well with body modification, more in the present time. I thought this would give some understanding and answers to why people choose to change their appearance and it did.

The dissertation process has been difficult in some parts but once getting over these hurdles, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing and researching on my chosen subject and glad I chose such a diverse one, so I was able to investigate thoroughly and gain knowledge within the exercise. I tried to attend each tutorial I booked with my tutor Mahnaz, when i did i found these chats very beneficial, giving me the right advise to then research further in the right format and helping with other ideas i could include within my dissertation.

Throughout my dissertation, I didn’t include as much artists and art styles as i would of liked to support my subject theme. If i could of fit it in within my word count, i would of incorporated various artists such as Julie Filipenko, Alex Parde, Anton Vill, Picaso and Gabriel Moneno and more. All reinforcing the subject body modification in a very different way, I chose to add at least one which was Francis Bacon; expressing portrait disfigurement. As im also interested in art eras and styles I also wanted to incorporate art noveau and the renaissance period as these sometimes depict monstrous creatures and religion but as a beautiful resemblance, so this inst always perceived as ugly. These ideas would of justified some of the ideas within my thesis but overall, i feel like my research has been consistent throughout and has described the point i wanted to get across in a limited word count.

There are some areas which I would of liked to improve, adding more research towards and creating a more substantial argument. This being in my last chapter about psychology and the effects this has, also I feel my conclusion could of done with some expansion and finishing off some of theories on my dissertation subject. As I chose to write a dissertation including an artefact, I feel this will back up some of my evidence I haven’t fully perfected and should disclose my approach towards the dissertation theme; using a portrait depicting a mixture of cultures and their theory on beauty and body modifications. This should also congregate ideas on perception in society and culture finalising my dissertation on a good note.

Overall, my experience whilst writing my dissertation has been enjoyable and very knowledgeable. I have learnt a lot about the subject I never thought I would and has helped me think about future avenues where I can take my art practice. Choosing to write something I was passionate about such as tattooing and may pursue this path after university. Editing it down and fixing certain areas is what I found most hardest at the end and hope I have rearranged it into a good thesis paper. I found certain areas stressful but with the help and support of my tutor I hope I have fulfilled my dissertation to the best of my ability and served it justice.

For my artefact I chose to incorporate a mixture of different cultures and body modification styles to form one body or person. I used African, Indian, native american, Kayan and modern day tattooing. I am a little frustrated as i didn’t manage to complete it and rushed half of it. I stuck to the true colours of these modifications such as the browns and reds to symbolise the real essence. Taking everything into account, i believe this artefact shows enough evidence to convey my interpretation of other cultures and body modifications put together. It really does come to perception and what we find beautiful and bizarre worldwide and when subjected to a person in societyARTEFACT.jpg.




Third Year reflection of my project idea so far

My interest and passion for culture as an idea started in first year of university. One of our first projects we were given was based on ‘The City’ the theme I chose to work with was ‘migration’. For this idea I thought of using multi culture as a base for migration and what is currently popular in day to day society across the world. I remember really enjoying this project but looking back now I know myself, I didn’t capture the idea very well, I ended up just concentrating on the patterns and the general cultural beauty.

From then, my idea about culture has developed massively. After having constellation with Mahnaz for a year I became very enthusiastic about some of the ideas she had about art practices, one interested me the most which was ‘mannerism’. From these constellation meetings, I began to think about what my dissertation could be be? ‘The perception between beauty and bizarre related to unique forms of body modification’ I have always been intrigued about the idea of body modification, so whilst gathering research for my dissertation, I began to formulate and brainstorm through this for my subject idea for the year. I wanted to relate in some way the two themes together as a whole at the end of the year. This would allow me to create some good coherent knowledge and strong work from this to represent at the end for my final year of university.

As I said before I have always been fascinated about different cultures as a theme. As I’ve been brought up in New Zealand and the Uk and love travelling, a trip to Thailand the summer just gone really got me thinking of these cultures more in depth. I began to research more into this, using the theme ‘Ideals of beauty and bizarre within different cultures and eras’ So far I have looked into Indian and African culture. After speaking to Amelia about my idea, she mentioned maybe looking into using a metaphor to recreate this theme. I liked that idea so to define ugly throughout these cultures to create a purpose to my idea; I chose to use superstitions and bad luck along side beauty within them. For now I have used body modification,traditional dress, patterns and designs, animals, plants as a form of beauty and superstitions such as which craft, witch doctors, symbolism and many more for ugly. I want to develop my ideas around patterns/symbolism in cultures more thoroughly and indepth throughout this project as well.

As this is my third year of university now, I want to branch out of my comfort zone and endeavour into different printing processes, my idea is to try out all the printing processes available to me at university for this project. I am very passionate about mixed media art styles and I want to dedicate this style to my theme this year, using collage, screen printing, painting, drawing, etching, lino templates, digital collage processes with Photoshop and animation.

So far, I have accomplished some screen printing in the time frame I have had. As I hadn’t done this since first year I had to have a quick crash course with one of the technicians, Nigel who has been extremely helpful. As I am still very new to this process I have made a few mistakes along the way when developing my screens and drawing out my stencils. I have now learnt from these mistakes and want to carry on with this process for a bit longer as I am really enjoying the whole printing experience. From now, I will develop these screen prints into a more collaged style, using mixed media to help me achieve this.

My interest and passion for culture as an idea started in first year of university. One of our first projects we were given was based on ‘The City’ the theme I chose to work with was ‘migration’. For this idea I thought of using multi culture as a base for migration and what is currently popular in day to day society across the world. I remember really enjoying this project but looking back now I know myself, I didn’t capture the idea very well, I ended up just concentrating on the patterns and the general cultural beauty.

From then, my idea about culture has developed massively. After having constellation with Mahnaz for a year I became very enthusiastic about some of the ideas she had about art practices, one interested me the most which was ‘mannerism’. From these constellation meetings, I began to think about what my dissertation could be be? ‘The perception between beauty and bizarre related to unique forms of body modification’ I have always been intrigued about the idea of body modification, so whilst gathering research for my dissertation, I began to formulate and brainstorm through this for my subject idea for the year. I wanted to relate in some way the two themes together as a whole at the end of the year. This would allow me to create some good coherent knowledge and strong work from this to represent at the end for my final year of university.

As I said before I have always been fascinated about different cultures as a theme. As I’ve been brought up in New Zealand and the Uk and love travelling, a trip to Thailand the summer just gone really got me thinking of these cultures more in depth. I began to research more into this, using the theme ‘Ideals of beauty and bizarre within different cultures and eras’ So far I have looked into Indian and African culture. After speaking to Amelia about my idea, she mentioned maybe looking into using a metaphor to recreate this theme. I liked that idea so to define ugly throughout these cultures to create a purpose to my idea; I chose to use superstitions and bad luck along side beauty within them. For now I have used body modification,traditional dress, patterns and designs, animals, plants as a form of beauty and superstitions such as which craft, witch doctors, symbolism and many more for ugly. I want to develop my ideas around patterns/symbolism in cultures more thoroughly and indepth throughout this project as well.

As this is my third year of university now, I want to branch out of my comfort zone and endeavour into different printing processes, my idea is to try out all the printing processes available to me at university for this project. I am very passionate about mixed media art styles and I want to dedicate this style to my theme this year, using collage, screen printing, painting, drawing, etching, lino templates, digital collage processes with Photoshop and animation.

So far, I have accomplished some screen printing in the time frame I have had. As I hadn’t done this since first year I had to have a quick crash course with one of the technicians, Nigel who has been extremely helpful. As I am still very new to this process I have made a few mistakes along the way when developing my screens and drawing out my stencils. I have now learnt from these mistakes and want to carry on with this process for a bit longer as I am really enjoying the whole printing experience. From now, I will develop these screen prints into a more collaged style, using mixed media to help me achieve this.

Short stop motion films – Self Defence

These are a couple of stop motion clips i did to explain the concept of biolumenescense for self defence. This was my first attempt at making a stop motion clip, they are abit shaking at times. I would of loved to have created a longer stop motion clip and of better quality, if I had more time to complete this. However I feel I have developed some strong research behind the idea of bioluminescence. My experiments are in a unique and fun style which conveys my personality and chosen approach I would have used if I created a more full filled and longer stop motion.

Ive added some of my development process along the way whilst creating these short clips.